The Forestry and Natural Resources Program is designed for students interested in pursuing advance degrees in forestry, fisheries, natural resources, wildlife and ecology. Degree requirements are completed at Tuskegee University and selected cooperating universities.
Under the 3+2/3 program, a student completes three years of course work at Tuskegee University and one to three years of course work at either Auburn University, Duke University, Mississippi State University, North Carolina State University, Oregon State University, University of California at Davis, University of Florida, and university of Washington. This will enable the student to obtain a B.S. degree in Environmental Natural Resources and Plant Sciences with an option in forestry, fisheries, natural resources or wildlife from Tuskegee University (after completing the requirements for the fourth year) and the opportunity to pursue an M.F (Masters of Forestry) or M.S. (Masters of Sciences) degree after completing the requirements for the fifth or sixth year from the selected cooperating institution. The B.S. degree will be conferred by Tuskegee University after completing the requirements for the fourth year. The M.F. or M.S. degree will be conferred by the selected cooperating university.
Students electing this option must maintain a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0 and meet the admission requirements for graduate school at the cooperating universities.
(120 hours)